Figure Drawing February 28th, 2022

It’s been a week!

Just got back from a week in the Carolinas visiting my family. Today is a really big day for me for reasons that I will get into in another post… but last night it was nice just to get back into my routine. A good night sleep well snuggled by kitties (who have forgiven me already and did not sleep on my head last night) followed by a day of getting cleaned up and back into routine.

So back to Figure Drawing last night. Model is Nia and I have drawn her at least once before. Good to see her again as well as all the lovely humans that I got to visit with last night.

As always images are in reverse order of how I drew them.

Nia is on Instagram as @babe_im_onfire

20 minutes – last post of the night and I never feel like I am working efficiently on the last one.
35 minutes. Nia said on her Instagram today that she forgot to put a sheet down and got mild rug burn from this pose.
20 minutes. in going through the video I feel like I lost her nose at some point in the process… it was there and then it wasn’t. oops.
15 minutes
10 minutes
10 minutes each
5 minutes each. one of the other artists remarked that they think 5 minutes is the sweet spot. Gestural and expressive without time to overwork.
1 minute poses
30 second warm ups.
Timelapse on YouTube

Lots to do to get ready for today. Hopefully be able to update you soon!!!

~ by justteejay on March 1, 2022.

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