Life Portrait Painting Workshop

Last week I spent three days at Steve Carpenter’s Studio working on painting from life.

On the first day we did drawings of each of the models on newsprint, then transferred them to canvas. Patrick was in the morning and then Jules after lunch (all three days) since Steve did more demonstration and talking at the beginning of the day, we had a little bit less time working with Patrick than we did with Jules. They were both excellent models with great dispositions and would both be wonderful to work with again.

Day 1

charcoal drawing charcoal drawing on canvas charcoal drawing outline on canvas charcoal on canvas charcoal on canvas

On the second day we fixed the charcoal drawings in place on the canvas and started laying in the transparent colors and establishing the darks and the forms. Hopefully correcting the drawing and refining features in the process.

Day 2

under drawing oil underpainting oil underpainting oil portrait underpainting Oil painting portrait underpainting charcoal under drawing oil painting underpaint oil underpainting oil underpainting oil underpainting oil underpainting portrait IMG_4331both



The third day should have been spent layering another glaze on top followed by more of the opaque colors for the lighter areas – but unfortunately I had not added enough of the quick dry stuff to my paint on the second day and areas of both paintings were still pretty wet. I did as much as I could anyhow.

Day 3

oil painting portrait oil painting portrait Oil Painting portrait from life

Here are some of the Patricks from the class:


I did some other stuff this week and have Figure Drawing tonight. So there will be more within the next few days.


~ by justteejay on December 9, 2013.

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